Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve

The Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve is situated right on the foreshore overlooking the beach, a quiet and peaceful location for families and friends. Look out across the water to the mountainous peaks of Wilsons Promontory, while behind you thick native bush rises up into the foothills. 

Current Tide and Weather

Family Fun

Walkerville South beach


Walkerville North


Walkerville North beach

Nature abounds

Fairy Wren

Beautiful views

Camping beside the beach
Walkerville Foreshore Committee of Management

The Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management is responsible for managing 41.3 hectares of coastal Reserve along about 3.3 km of the coast at Walkerville on Waratah Bay in South Gippsland.   The Reserve protects important natural, cultural, heritage and landscape values, and provides an attractive and peaceful setting for informal recreation and relaxation. 

Our Vision

Visitors and residents using the Walkerville Foreshore in 2020 find a peaceful retreat with well-protected natural, cultural and landscape values, and small-scale facilities, which provide opportunities for nature-based relaxation and quiet enjoyment.

The camping area has been enhanced and offers a range of low-key accommodation nestled in coastal vegetation. Coastal walks provide fine views and interpretive information helps visitors to appreciate Walkerville’s rich heritage.

Vehicle access, parking and boat launching are regulated to provide a safe and pleasant experience for families, other visitors and residents and minimise intrusion on the foreshore. Day visitor areas have been enhanced with defined parking areas, sensitively designed structures and indigenous planting to blend with the coastal setting.

Foreshore protection works have been undertaken to mitigate erosion and climate change impacts are monitored. Walkerville is a highly regarded destination for people who appreciate nature largely free from commercial development and enjoy the area’s safe beaches, beautiful coastal landscapes and rich cultural heritage.

The Committee has worked with the community and government agencies to successfully implement management and maintenance programs, obtain external funding and complete improvement projects.

Guiding Principles

The plan is guided largely by the four principles set out in the Victorian Coastal Strategy (VCS), 2008.  In summary these are: protect natural and cultural values, provide integrated planning, and ensure sustainable use of resources.  When these are addressed, consider development within nominated constraints.  The Strategy provides context and specific policies and actions to address important coastal issues including climate change.

Future Directions

The plan builds on the Committee’s overall aim to conserve and enhance coastal values while providing community access.  It identifies a vision and future directions for management, and sets out a series of goals and actions.

Four goals identified are:

1. Protect and enhance natural, cultural and landscape values.

2. Sustainably manage coastal access and a range of compatible recreational facilities.

3. Facilitate community involvement in coastal planning, management and appreciation.

4. Manage the coast effectively and sustainably.

Follow Us

Keep abreast of what is happening in the Walkerville Foreshore reserve on our Facebook page. Here you will find the latest news, events and notices. 

Walkerville Foreshore Reserve

1 Bayside Drive
Walkerville North Victoria 3956 AU

Text or Call: 0487 007 176


Contact Hours:
(office is not always attended in low season)
Pre-booking is recommended