Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Vegetation Management Update – November 2024
Vegetation Management and Weed control
We have been carrying out works throughout the reserve targeting invasive species. Works commenced at Walkerville South in October, where large tracts of Dolichos creeper and Cape Ivy have been choking the native vegetation as they climb higher to reach more sunlight. Significant progress has been made in this area and you may see the creepers dying off, enabling the supporting bush to recuperate. Where possible the cut and paste method has been used to minimise any adverse effects of spraying.
Other species being targeted include Arum lily, Blue Periwinkle, Pittosporum and Sallow Wattle trees as well as African Boxthorn along the beachside.
In the coming month the focus will shift towards North Walkerville.
Prohibited Land Use
As our Vegetation Management team have worked though the reserve, they have come across several areas where adjacent landholders have been clearing vegetation, cutting down trees, maintaining gardens, dumping garden waste and placing infrastructure within the foreshore reserve. All of these activities are prohibited without express approval from the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management.
We will be working through a process to re-establish the natural state of the Foreshore Reserve in these affected areas.
Further Information
Should you require information please refer to our Vegetation Management Plan
or contact us via email at admin@walkervilleforeshore.com.au