Dump Points

Due to the lack of reticulated sewerage at Walkerville and the fragile coastal environment of the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve the Committee is unable to offer dump points for the disposal of caravan waste cassettes.  However there are many designated dump points in the local area where caravan cassettes can be emptied.  Please refer to the below image for all dump point locations within South Gippsland Shire as detailed on page 12 of the Recreational Vehicle RV Strategy 2014 by South Gippsland Shire Council.   Thank you for helping us protect our unique coastal environment and keeping it a healthy ecosystem into the future.

Online Booking System

The Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management is in the process of implementing a new online booking system. At all times the Committee endeavours to meet campers’ expectations.

The new online booking system will be implemented in the coming weeks. The updated process will streamline all bookings via the Foreshore Committee’s website.  There will be a photo of each site, indicating the size in terms of how many vehicles, tents, caravans or boats each site can accommodate and their proximity to toilet facilities.  Campers will be able to choose the most appropriate site for their individual needs.  It will also allow our management team to devote more of their valuable time to the maintenance of the camp ground. All current bookings until 24th April 2019 will be honoured.

Bookings will open 6 months in advance and as with present practice payment will be via card only, paid in full at the time of booking.  The new rates for the 2018-19 season will be available on the website as of 1 July 2018.

Proposed Improvement works to Walkerville North Foreshore

South Gippsland Shire Council have appointed South Gippsland Quarries (SGQ) as contractor to undertake the landscape improvement works which have been approved as part of Planning Permit 2015/398.  The works are due to commence on site at Walkerville North on or soon after 21st February 2018.

Adjoining landowners and the general public accessing the foreshore may be impacted by these works. Every attempt will be made to minimise the impact of the works however there may be short periods in time when access is unavailable.  SGQ will endeavour to advise when this is expected to occur.  It would also be appreciated if you could obey directions from the contractor and to be aware of machinery movement to ensure works can continue smoothly.

The extent of the works being undertaken are shown on the layout plan (click here to see layout plan).  If you wish to discuss any of the above further please feel free to contact Geoff Davis from South Gippsland Shire Council on 5662 9825 or email geoffrey.davis@southgippsland.vic.gov.au