2019 Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management Meetings

The Committee of management will meet on January 24th, February 14th, March 21st, May 23rd, August 8th, October 17th and November 21st.  Public questions and submissions are welcome during the first half an hour of the meetings.  Meetings are held at the Walkerville North Hall from 7.00 pm.  If you are interested in attending a meeting, please confirm the date and intention to speak with Bill Bray, Chairman of the Committee at admin@walkervilleforeshore.com.au.

Campground FAQ’s

Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management – Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve

Why has the Committee of Management (CoM) introduced a new booking system?
The Walkerville Foreshore Reserve CoM works to ensure that the benefits of the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve are available for the enjoyment of all visitors.

The previous booking system was obsolete and unable to be upgraded. The system could not produce accurate reports, store guest data or allow for a fair and transparent booking process.

The new computerised reservation system will enable important data to be collected from guests and stored for future use. Detailed reports can be produced showing occupancy and turnover for accommodation and compared against previous periods. The CoM will use this information to analyse bookings over various seasons and months of the year and make informed decisions about the future management of the reserve.

The new booking system aims to give everyone, including regular campers and the broader public, a fair and equal opportunity to use the reserve. The new system is in line with State Government principles and policy that aim to improve equity of access to public land.

When can I book?
Bookings for peak periods opens on the following days:

01 July each year online bookings will open for the following Cup Weekend and the 24th December to 31st January period.

01 October each year online bookings will open for the following Easter school holidays and Labour Day long weekend.

Please refer to the walkervilleforeshore.com.au website for further details.

Why have you chosen this online booking system?
The new online booking system was selected after a review of the available platforms which will provide the CoM with increased ability to manage data and campground utilisation. The existing booking system was outdated and no longer had tech support from the software company. The new online booking system was selected from the same supplier of software. This had the advantage of consistency with the 1000 or so bookings already in the system and the client database was also able to be retained.

Why has there been an increase in camping fees
The Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management is responsible for managing 41.3 hectares of coastal crown land. The fees go towards the management of the camping reserve and other areas of the foreshore. An increase in fees has been determined by the committee after completing their annual detailed review of current costs associated with maintenance and improvements and are considered to be competitive compared with other parks in the area.

What does the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning think about these changes?
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning is confident that the changes implemented by the committee support equitable access to public land and are in line with state government principles and policy.

The State Government’s policy “Improving equity of access to Crown land caravan and camping parks” (2011) was developed to improve access to Crown land parks enabling affordable holidays for all Victorians. The requirement for the committee to ensure a minimum of 10 per cent of sites within a park is available to new site holders each year or peak season is a minimum requirement. Camp ground operators can adopt a booking system of choice that suits their needs so long as systems are consistent with best practice and government policy.

I don’t have access to the internet, can I book in another way?
Yes, you can phone the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve and make a booking. Bookings can also be made on arrival, subject to availability. We would recommend booking ahead during peak periods.

Is there a limit to how long I can stay?
Subject to availability, long-term stays are still available at the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve. Long term campers must vacate the Camping Reserve by the Queen’s Birthday long weekend each year.

Why do I have to pay 100% upfront fee?
The Walkerville Foreshore Committee is committed to having competitive rates for our customers. Full payment at time of booking has been introduced to reduce administration costs associated with the booking process (e.g. collecting and following up outstanding balances) to ensure affordable and reasonable pricing.

What consultation was undertaken before implementing the new system?
The existing booking system had become obsolete and could no longer support software upgrades. A business decision was made to upgrade the existing system that would allow the CoM to fulfil several reporting requirements. The decision to implement a new booking system was communicated to all campers on the mailing list via a letter/email sent in July 2018.

The CoM has met with a number of visitors to answer questions and discuss concerns, and will review the system once in use, to ensure it meets expectations.

Can we store our belongings on sites?
Storage rates have been abolished and applicable rates for that particular time of year are to be paid.

How is the Committee of Management appointed?
The Walkerville Foreshore Committee of Management is a skills-based volunteer CoM formed through an expression of interest process managed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

The process ensures the CoM has a specific skill set to manage a reserve with significant environmental and cultural values. The EOI process is advertised through media and on the DELWP website.

Can I request a particular site when I book?
Yes, subject to availability.

Using Map View you can see if your preferred site is available for the proposed duration of your stay, and if so, it will show green and you will be able to click on it and reserve it.

Using Grid View you can choose the type of site you are looking for (but not the site number). You can nominate your preferred campsite in the booking comments at time of reservation. Within 24hrs you will receive confirmation showing whether you have received your nominated site or the closest alternative.

Please note, property managers reserve the right to move sites. While every effort will be made to contact customers before arrival, should a site move be required. A particular site cannot be guaranteed.

Can I get a spot near my family and friends?
Visitors can book two sites at a time. All bookings are subject to availability. Please note, peak periods have restrictions on the maximum number of sites that can be booked by a single customer. If more than two sites are booked by the same person, the extra sites will be cancelled.

If I need more information, who can I get in contact with?
Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve Ranger
Mob. 0487 007 176

Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management admin@walkervilleforeshore.com.au

Safety Trial at Walkerville South

Safety Trial at Walkerville South – 26th December 2018 – 31st January 2019

In response to community enquiries regarding the safety trial at Walkerville South, the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management would like to answer your queries as follows:

What is being trialed and will the closure be compared to peak times when the beach access is open?

The closure of the beach access to recreational vehicles is being trialed to reduce the risk to beach users and vehicles on the beach together during peak times. The trial is being
formally assessed by a traffic consultant who will also assess other peak times when the
beach access is open to vehicles. The results of the trial and community feedback will be
taken into consideration when determining any future decision.

Where has the risk been identified?

There have been many years of anecdotal evidence of the risks between beach users and
vehicles on the beach at Walkerville South. These risks have also been identified formally in the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan dated April 2014 (identified Major Action on page 5) and also the Gippsland Coastal Board Boating ‘CAP’ (Coastal Action Plan). Walkerville South is a small beach and has limited parking facilities that require active management by traffic controllers during peak times.

Recreational vehicles – what does this mean?

The term recreational vehicle relates to motorized leisure vehicles on the beach. This
includes cars (with or without trailers), trucks or utes. Kayaks may still be launched on the beach and other small water craft that don’t require a vehicle to launch them.

What is the procedure if there is an emergency?

There will be signage placed at Walkerville South that in the event of an emergency and
removal of the bollards is required, please contact the Ranger, Paul Kennedy on his mobile 0411 080 521 or the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve office on 5663 2224.
The trial will have an impact on Walkerville North. The safety trial has been timed with the completion of the improved facilities at Walkerville North. There are now upgraded road, car parking, sea wall and recreational facilities at Walkerville North. There is potential car and trailer parking available for up to 37 cars with

Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management

PDF of above content can be viewed here

Recreational vehicle safety trial at Walkerville South

Beach ramp closed to recreational vehicle access
26th December 2018 – 31st January 2019

The Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management wishes to advise that a safety trial is being undertaken at Walkerville South beach during summer 2018/2019.

The Walkerville South beach ramp will be closed to recreational vehicles entering the beach via the ramp from 26th December 2018 to 31st January 2019.

The safety trial aims to create a safer environment for all beach users during this busy time by eliminating vehicle movement on the beach.  All roads and parking areas will be open as usual.

Feedback from the public is welcome in regards to the safety trial.  Please send any comments you may have to admin@walkervilleforeshore.com.au

Keep informed of the success of the safety trial and other Walkerville news at our website


Dogs on Beaches

There will be some changes to the dogs on beaches regulations as of 01 December 2018.  The new regulations will be as follows:

Walkerville South

No dogs allowed on the beach from 1st December until the end of Easter between 9am-6pm and dogs permitted on a leash between 6pm-9am.  Dogs permitted on a leash from the end of Easter until 1st December at any time of day.

Walkerville North (between the Camping Reserve entry and the boat launching facilities).

Dogs permitted on the beach on a leash between 9am and 6pm.  Dogs permitted off leash between 6pm and 9am.

Dump Points

Due to the lack of reticulated sewerage at Walkerville and the fragile coastal environment of the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve the Committee is unable to offer dump points for the disposal of caravan waste cassettes.  However there are many designated dump points in the local area where caravan cassettes can be emptied.  Please refer to the below image for all dump point locations within South Gippsland Shire as detailed on page 12 of the Recreational Vehicle RV Strategy 2014 by South Gippsland Shire Council.   Thank you for helping us protect our unique coastal environment and keeping it a healthy ecosystem into the future.

Online Booking System

The Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management is in the process of implementing a new online booking system. At all times the Committee endeavours to meet campers’ expectations.

The new online booking system will be implemented in the coming weeks. The updated process will streamline all bookings via the Foreshore Committee’s website.  There will be a photo of each site, indicating the size in terms of how many vehicles, tents, caravans or boats each site can accommodate and their proximity to toilet facilities.  Campers will be able to choose the most appropriate site for their individual needs.  It will also allow our management team to devote more of their valuable time to the maintenance of the camp ground. All current bookings until 24th April 2019 will be honoured.

Bookings will open 6 months in advance and as with present practice payment will be via card only, paid in full at the time of booking.  The new rates for the 2018-19 season will be available on the website as of 1 July 2018.

Proposed Improvement works to Walkerville North Foreshore

South Gippsland Shire Council have appointed South Gippsland Quarries (SGQ) as contractor to undertake the landscape improvement works which have been approved as part of Planning Permit 2015/398.  The works are due to commence on site at Walkerville North on or soon after 21st February 2018.

Adjoining landowners and the general public accessing the foreshore may be impacted by these works. Every attempt will be made to minimise the impact of the works however there may be short periods in time when access is unavailable.  SGQ will endeavour to advise when this is expected to occur.  It would also be appreciated if you could obey directions from the contractor and to be aware of machinery movement to ensure works can continue smoothly.

The extent of the works being undertaken are shown on the layout plan (click here to see layout plan).  If you wish to discuss any of the above further please feel free to contact Geoff Davis from South Gippsland Shire Council on 5662 9825 or email geoffrey.davis@southgippsland.vic.gov.au