Safety Trial at Walkerville South – 26th December 2018 – 31st January 2019

In response to community enquiries regarding the safety trial at Walkerville South, the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management would like to answer your queries as follows:

What is being trialed and will the closure be compared to peak times when the beach access is open?

The closure of the beach access to recreational vehicles is being trialed to reduce the risk to beach users and vehicles on the beach together during peak times. The trial is being
formally assessed by a traffic consultant who will also assess other peak times when the
beach access is open to vehicles. The results of the trial and community feedback will be
taken into consideration when determining any future decision.

Where has the risk been identified?

There have been many years of anecdotal evidence of the risks between beach users and
vehicles on the beach at Walkerville South. These risks have also been identified formally in the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan dated April 2014 (identified Major Action on page 5) and also the Gippsland Coastal Board Boating ‘CAP’ (Coastal Action Plan). Walkerville South is a small beach and has limited parking facilities that require active management by traffic controllers during peak times.

Recreational vehicles – what does this mean?

The term recreational vehicle relates to motorized leisure vehicles on the beach. This
includes cars (with or without trailers), trucks or utes. Kayaks may still be launched on the beach and other small water craft that don’t require a vehicle to launch them.

What is the procedure if there is an emergency?

There will be signage placed at Walkerville South that in the event of an emergency and
removal of the bollards is required, please contact the Ranger, Paul Kennedy on his mobile 0411 080 521 or the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve office on 5663 2224.
The trial will have an impact on Walkerville North. The safety trial has been timed with the completion of the improved facilities at Walkerville North. There are now upgraded road, car parking, sea wall and recreational facilities at Walkerville North. There is potential car and trailer parking available for up to 37 cars with

Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management

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